Product bottles were shot in-house. Water lily background added from stock image. Each bottle was shadowed and highlighted to achieve final look.

Bottles were shot in-house. Several papers cranes were used from multiple stock images. Strings, shadows, highlights and brands swirled art work were added.



Each bottle came from a different source. Shadowing and transparency for each bottle created. Bottles were added to wood background. Cards and reflections were created. 


Each element seen came from a different stock or client provided source. Shadowing, highlighting, perspective, etc. were added to achieve this top-down, layered look. Each element came from a different source.


Product shots composed with mineral rocks Shadowing and transparency for each element created. Each element came from a different source.


Product cap was shot at angle to achieve the 'blown-off' effect. Water image added. Two sources for the product body were combined to create the final look. Each element came from a different source.